Xieai Chain Brand

Xieai has a number of chain medical and health care institutions throughout the country, such as Fengxian District of Shanghai, Jiading District of Shanghai, Baoshan District of Shanghai, Longwan District of Wenzhou and Haishu District of Ningbo. The transportation is convenient to meet the needs of people in different regions.

Xieai is committed to providing professional and humanized care services for everyone and providing high-quality medical services for more people!

Xieai Honor
Xieai Medical Care

Address : No. 3318, wahong Road, Fengxian District
Outpatient time: 8:00-17:00 Health line: 021-57133120

Hu ICP Bei No. 19019901 HGW Anbei No. 3101200204478
Shanghai Xieai hospital all rights reserved